Weinskandal Blog - Interessantes zum Thema Naturwein

Gerbstoff Baby!
Wie kommt Struktur in den Wein?
WSK SPECIAL PT.3: Message in a bottle
Wein = fermentierter Traubensaft? Zur Novelle des europäischen Weingesetztes und der kommenden Kennzeichnungspflicht von Inhaltsstoffen bei Wein. low intervention vs. intervention
WSK Special pt. 2 It's getting hot in here! english version
Natural wine & climate change: hot vintages due to climate change are affecting viticulture. Fermentation issues are increasing, and pesticide use is being intensified. A rethinking is necessary to preserve authentic wines.
Weinskandal Special pt. 1: Give me my wine back! ENGLISH VERSION
Natural Wine vs. Mechanization: The History & Threats. Discover how critics influenced the wine industry and how winemakers abandoned their traditions. Today, there is hardly any wine without additives. The natural wine movement is fighting against it.
Weinskandal Special pt.2: It's getting hot in here!
Reagiert wird bisweilen auf die Wetterkapriolen mit steigendem Einsatz von Hilfsmitteln.
Weinskandal Special pt. 1: "Give me my wine back!"
Mit diesem Zitat warnte Alice Feiring 2001 vor der Technisierung des Weins.